Country or Region | World |
Year | 1990 - 2014 |
Producer(s) | UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) |
Metadata | Download the documentation |
Created on
Feb 05, 2015
Last modified
Feb 16, 2015
UIS Catalogue of Innovation Surveys, World
Cases | 108 |
Variable(s) | 991 |
Name | Label | Question | |
RMGTX | Management activities (in-house) expenditure | Management activities (in-house) expenditure | |
ENVREA | Main reason for the enterprise to engage in environmental protection activities | Main reason for your enterprise to engage in environmental protection activities | |
HENV | Hampering factors to access new environment-friendly technologies | Hampering factors to access new environment-friendly technologies | |
FUNUNI | Financial support for innovation activities from universities during | Financial support for innovation activities from universities | |
FUNNGO | Financial support for innovation activities from NGOs | Financial support for innovation activities from NGOs | |
FUNBANK | Financial support for innovation activities from banks | Financial support for innovation activities from banks | |
ECOMP | (EFFE) Improved staff competences usage | Degree of importance of Process oriented effects - Improved staff competences usage | |
HRISK | (HFAC) Innovation risk | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Innovation risk | |
HMSTR | (HFAC) Market structure | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Market structure | |
HDYN | (HFAC) Lack of technological dynamism in the sector | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Lack of technological dynamism in the sector | |
HPOL | (HFAC) Limitations of S&T public policies | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Limitations of S&T public policies | |
HIST | (HFAC) Restricted development of S&T institutions | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Restricted development of S&T institutions | |
HINFRA | (HFAC) Lack of infrastructure | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Lack of infrastructure | |
HPRWE | (HFAC) Weakness of property rights | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Weakness of property rights | |
HTR | (HFAC) High training costs | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - High training costs | |
COAIMFUN | (COAIM) Funding | Aim of the co-operation established - Funding request | |
COAIMINFO | (COAIM) Information | Aim of the co-operation established - Information | |
ICT | Use of ICTs tools (ICT) | Use of ICTs tools | |
ICTWEB | (ICT) Website | Use of ICTs tools - Website | |
ICTCOM | (ICT) Ecommerce | Use of ICTs tools - Ecommerce | |
ICTINTRA | (ICT) Intranet | Use of ICTs tools - Intranet | |
ICTEXTRA | (ICT) Extranet | Use of ICTs tools - Extranet | |
INPER | Number of persons involved in innovation activities within the enterprise | Number of persons involved in innovation activities within the enterprise | |
ICTFOR | (ICT) Existence of area or person responsible for ICTs issues | Existence of an area or a person responsible for ICTs issues | |
ICTX | (ICT) ICT expenditure | ICTs expenditure | |
ICTPC | (ICT) Percentage of employees that used a PC in their work routine | Percentage of employees that used a PC in their work routine | |
INPCST | Process innovations - Substantial technological improvements | Process innovation - Substantial technological improvements | |
INPCSO | Process innovations - Improvements in the organisation of processes | Process innovation - Improvements in the organisation of processes | |
OBJTIME | (OBJ) Reduction of cycle times | Objectives of innovation activity - Reduction of cycle times | |
OBJSCALE | (OBJ) Increase in production series / Economies of scale | Objectives of innovation activity - Increase in production series / Economies of scale | |
OBJMASS | (OBJ) Access to mass markets | Objectives of innovation activity - Access to mass markets | |
OBJMAR | (OBJ) New markets orientation | Objectives of innovation activity - New markets orientation | |
OBJSTO | (OBJ) Stock reduction | Objectives of innovation activity - Stock reduction | |
SCAP | (SINFO) Acquisition of capital goods | Importance of Acquisition of capital goods | |
SCOMPDT | (SINFO) Analysis of competitors products | Importance of Analysis of competitors products | |
SPAT | (SINFO) Acquisition of licences and patents | Importance of Acquisition of licences and patents | |
SSTU | (SINFO) Non-routine studies in the enterprise | Importance of Non-routine studies in the enterprise | |
SINP | (SINFO) Use of new inputs | Importance of Use of new inputs | |
SRES | (SINFO) Permanent research activities within the enterprise group | Importance of Permanent research activities within the enterprise group | |
EXEIN | Execution of innovation (EXEIN) | Execution of innovation | |
EXEINSPE | (EXEIN) Specialised group within the enterprise | Execution of innovation - Specialised group within the enterprise | |
EXEINFIR | (EXEIN) Other enterprise of the enterprise group | Execution of innovation - Other enterprise of the enterprise group | |
EXEINPER | (EXEIN) Single person | Execution of innovation - Single person | |
EXEININS | (EXEIN) Public technological institute | Execution of innovation - Public technological institute | |
EXEINPRIV | (EXEIN) Private enterprise | Execution of innovation - Private enterprise | |
EXEINUNI | (EXEIN) Universities | Execution of innovation - Universities | |
MAESUP | Support for the implementation of acquired equipment | Support for the implementation of the acquired equipment (t to t-2) | |
HTECR | (HFAC) Technical risk | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Technical risk | |
HCONT | (HFAC) Lack of continuity of innovation expenditures | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Lack of continuity of innovation expenditures | |
HINC | (HFAC) Lack of (governmental) incentives | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Lack of (governmental) incentives | |
INFUT | Future innovation expectations (INFUT) | Future innovation expectations | |
INFUTPDT | (INFUT) Products | Future innovation expectations - Products | |
INFUTPCS | (INFUT) Processes | Future innovation expectations - Processes | |
INFUTMKT | (INFUT) Marketing | Future innovation expectations - Marketing | |
INFUTORG | (INFUT) Organisational | Future innovation expectations - Organisational | |
PROSALEX | Expenditures in patents, licences and know-how acquisition as % of total sales | Expenditures in patents, licences and know-how acquisition as a percentage of the total sales in the last three years | |
TURNCH | % change in current total turnover compared to previous turnover | Percentual change in the current total turnover in comparison with the previous turnover | |
INPCSI | Process innovations - new to the world (international) | Introduction of new or significantly improved processes that were new to the world (international) | |
OBJSHARE | (OBJ) Market share increase or maintenance | Objectives of innovation activity - Market share increase or maintenance | |
OBJPCS | (OBJ) Production process improvement | Objectives of innovation activity - Production process improvement | |
IPRGR | (IPR) Number of intellectual property rights owned by the enterprise | Number of intellectual property rights owned by the enterprise | |
IPRAP | (IPR) Number of intellectual property rights applications done the enterprise | Number of intellectual property rights applications done the enterprise | |
RRDNACX | R&D subcontracting expenditures per type of national institutions | R&D subcontracting expenditures per type of national institutions | |
RRDINTX | International R&D subcontracting expenditures | International R&D subcontracting expenditures | |
ECOND | (EFFE) Improved quality through quality control systems | Degree of importance of Process oriented effects - Improved quality through quality control systems | |
HLOW | (HFAC) Low expected returns | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Cost factors - Low expected returns | |
OBJWAT | (OBJ) Water consumption reduction | Objectives of innovation activity - Water consumption reduction | |
OBJPDL | (OBJ) Labour productivity increase | Objectives of innovation activity - Labour productivity increase | |
OBJPDC | (OBJ) Capital productivity increase | Objectives of innovation activity - Capital productivity increase | |
OBJRTN | (OBJ) Return taxes decrease | Objectives of innovation activity - Return taxes decrease | |
OBJCLI | (OBJ) Better client service provision | Objectives of innovation activity - Better client service provision | |
OBJDIS | (OBJ) Creation or improvement of distribution channels | Objectives of innovation activity - Creation or improvement of distribution channels | |
OBJPAC | (OBJ) Improvement of packaging | Objectives of innovation activity - Improvement of packaging | |
OBJDEL | (OBJ) Creation or improvement of delivery systems methods | Objectives of innovation activity - Creation or improvement of delivery systems methods | |
OBJSTD | (OBJ) To meet regulatory requirements | Objectives of innovation activity - To meet regulatory requirements | |
OBJPOL | (OBJ) To make use of public policy instruments | Objectives of innovation activity - To make use of public policy instruments | |
OBJFUN | (OBJ) To access funding sources | Objectives of innovation activity - To access funding sources | |
OBJEFFI | (OBJ) Administrative processes efficiency increase | Objectives of innovation activity - Administrative processes efficiency increase | |
OBJBEST | (OBJ) Adoption of best practices | Objectives of innovation activity - Adoption of best practices | |
OBJOUT | (OBJ) Adoption of outsourcing practices | Objectives of innovation activity - Adoption of outsourcing practices | |
OBJOPT | (OBJ) Optimisation of the relation between production process and management | Objectives of innovation activity - Optimisation of the relation between production process and management | |
OBJCONT | (OBJ) Design of control mechanisms | Objectives of innovation activity - Design of control mechanisms | |
OBJPROV | (OBJ) Specific inputs provision assurance | Objectives of innovation activity - Specific inputs provision assurance | |
HHIR | (HFAC) Hiring costs | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Hiring costs | |
HACC | (HFAC) Financial accountability information | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Financial accountability information | |
SICT | (SINFO) ICTs | Degree of importance of Other sources for innovation activities - Information and communication technologies (ICTs) | |
FUNDEV | Financial support for innovation activities from technological development centres | Financial support for innovation activities from technological development centres | |
FUNABEV | (FUNAB) Technical and financial evaluation | Reasons not to use public funding during - Technical and financial evaluation | |
FUNABLI | (FUNAB) Lack of incentives | Reasons not to use public funding during - Lack of incentives | |
FUNABBR | (FUNAB) Business risk | Reasons not to use public funding during - Business risk | |
PROSW | (IPR) Software registration | Software registration | |
INFIRX | Product innovations - number new to the firm product innovations | Number of goods and service innovations that were only new to your firm | |
INMARNX | Product innovations - number of new to the national market product innovations | Number of goods and service innovations that were new to the national market | |
INMARX | Product innovations - number of new to the international market product innovations | Number of goods and service innovations implemented that were new to the international market | |
INPCSX | Process innovations - number of process innovations | Number of process innovations implemented | |
INORGX | Organisational innovations - number of organisational innovations | Number of organisational innovations implemented | |
INMKTX | Marketing innovations - number of marketing innovations | Number of marketing innovations implemented | |
HPUB | (HFAC) Lack of information on public instruments of support | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Lack of information on public instruments of support | |
REID | (RACE) Engineering and industrial design | Engineering and industrial design engagement | |
REIDX | Engineering and industrial design expenditure | Engineering and industrial design expenditure | |
Total variable(s):
991 |