Country or Region | World |
Year | 1990 - 2014 |
Producer(s) | UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) |
Metadata |
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Created on
Feb 05, 2015
Last modified
Feb 16, 2015
UIS Catalogue of Innovation Surveys, World
Cases | 108 |
Variable(s) | 991 |
Name | Label | Question | |
FUNRISK | Financial support for innovation activities from capital funds, stock exchange or angels investors | Financial support for innovation activities from capital funds, stock exchange or angels investors | |
FUNABIG | (FUNAB) Ignorance of the existing lines of public financing | Reasons not to use public funding during - Ignorance of the existing lines of public financing | |
FUNABDE | (FUNAB) Request denial | Reasons not to use public funding during - Request denial | |
SSEC | (SSEC) Enterprises from other sectors | Information sources for your enterprise's innovation activities - Enterprises from other sectors | |
COAIMMAE | (COAIM) Acquisition of machinery and equipment | Aim of the co-operation - Acquisition of machinery and equipment | |
COAIMICT | (COAIM) ICTs | Aim of the co-operation - ICTs | |
COAIMMKT | (COAIM) Marketing innovations | Aim of the co-operation - Marketing innovations | |
COAIMTT | (COAIM) Technology transfer | Aim of the co-operation - Technology transfer | |
FUNGCC | (FUNPUB) Public financial support for innovation activities from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) | Public financial support for innovation activities from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) | |
CLI | Main sectors of demand for innovation in your enterprise (CLI) | Main sectors of demand for innovation in your enterprise | |
CLIGMT | (CLI) Government | Main sectors of demand for innovation in your enterprise - Government | |
CLISOC | (CLI) Social sector | Main sectors of demand for innovation in your enterprise - Social sector (not-for-profit) | |
CLISER | (CLI) Service sector | Main sectors of demand for innovation in your enterprise - Service sector | |
CLIMAN | (CLI) Manufacturing sector | Main sectors of demand for innovation in your enterprise - Manufacturing sector | |
CLISIS | (CLI) Sister enterprise or strategic partner | Main sectors of demand for innovation in your enterprise - Sister enterprise or strategic partner | |
CLIHYD | (CLI) Hydrocarbon sector | Main sectors of demand for innovation in your enterprise - Hydrocarbon sector | |
CLINAT | (CLI) Other natural resource sector | Main sectors of demand for innovation in your enterprise - Other natural resource sector | |
HEXP | (HFAC) Lack of nearby sources of expertise | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Lack of nearby sources of expertise | |
HTURN | (HFAC) High turnover of expatriate staff | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - High turnover of expatriate staff | |
INPDTO | Product innovations - Original innovation | The product innovation by you enterprise was - Original innovation | |
INPDTI | Product innovations - Integrated innovation | The product innovation by you enterprise was - Integrated innovation | |
INPDTD | Product innovations - Digestion, absorption and re-innovation | The product innovation by you enterprise was - Digestion, absorption and re-innovation | |
INPCSOR | Process innovations - Original innovation | The process innovation by you enterprise was - Original innovation | |
INPCSIN | Process innovations - Integrated innovation | The process innovation by you enterprise was - Integrated innovation | |
INPCSD | Process innovations - Digestion, absorption and re-innovation | The process innovation by you enterprise was - Digestion, absorption and re-innovation | |
HIMMA | (HFAC) Immature technology | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Immature technology | |
HMIS | (HFAC) Mismatch between new technology and production capacity and/or technological standard of your enterprise | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Mismatch between new technology and production capacity and/or technological standard of your enterprise | |
HFALSE | (HFAC) Counterfeiting or import competition | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Counterfeiting or import competition | |
OUTPDT | Product innovations - Total output of new products | Total output of new products | |
TURNMARN | Percentage of current total turnover from new to the domestic market product innovations | Distribution of sales of new products - percentage of your total turnover from products that were new to the domestic market | |
PROSTD | Set up national or industrial standards | Set up national and/or industrial standards | |
INTTECX | Purchase of foreign technology expenditure | Expenditure on purchase of foreign technology | |
NATTECX | Purchase of domestic technology expenditure | Expenditure on purchase of domestic technology | |
PDTNAME | Indigenous brand names of key products | Indigenous brand names of key products | |
PFAC | Degree of importance of promoting factors for innovation success (PFAC) | Degree of importance of promoting factors for innovation success | |
PCEO | (PFAC) Manager/CEO with innovative spirit | Degree of importance of promoting factors - Manager/CEO with innovative spirit | |
PFIN | (PFAC) Sufficient financial support | Degree of importance of promoting factors - Sufficient financial support | |
PPER | (PFAC) Highly qualified technical human resource | Degree of importance of promoting factors - Highly qualified technical human resource | |
PCOME | (PFAC) Commitment (and/or consensus) of the employees | Degree of importance of promoting factors - Commitment (and/or consensus) of the employees towards your enterprise | |
PINC | (PFAC) Incentive instruments within your enterprise | Degree of importance of promoting factors - Incentive instruments within your enterprise | |
PPLAN | (PFAC) Effective technical strategies or planning | Degree of importance of promoting factors - Effective technical strategies or planning | |
PINFO | (PFAC) Fluent information channels | Degree of importance of promoting factors - Fluent information channels | |
PCOO | (PFAC) Reliable partners in innovation co-operation | Degree of importance of promoting factors - Reliable partners in innovation co-operation | |
PGMT | (PFAC) Favourable governmental support | Degree of importance of promoting factors - Favourable governmental support | |
EMPINC | Application of incentives to encourage employees to innovate (EMPINC) | Application of incentives to encourage employees to innovate | |
EMPSTOS | (EMPINC) Stocks | Application of incentives to encourage employees to innovate - Stocks | |
EMPOPTS | (EMPINC) Options | Application of incentives to encourage employees to innovate - Options | |
EMPWAGE | (EMPINC) Raise (in wage) | Application of incentives to encourage employees to innovate - Raise (in wage) | |
EMPREW | (EMPINC) Financial reward or bonus | Application of incentives to encourage employees to innovate - Financial reward or bonus | |
EMPHOUS | (EMPINC) Housing | Application of incentives to encourage employees to innovate - Housing | |
POLIMP | Importance of government policies for your innovation activities during the three years (POLIMP) | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities | |
POLCOST | (POLIMP) Conversion of S&T expenditure into production/operational cost | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Conversion of S&T expenditure into production/operational cost | |
POLREF | (POLIMP) Increased income tax refund associated with S&T expenditure | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Increased income tax refund associated with S&T expenditure | |
POLTECH | (POLIMP) Tax incentives for new- and high-tech enterprises in development zones | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Tax incentives for new- and high-tech enterprises in development zones | |
POLDEPR | (POLIMP) Accelerated capital depreciation for S&T instruments and equipment | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Accelerated capital depreciation for S&T instruments and equipment | |
POLEXEMP | (POLIMP) Exemption of sales tax for technology transfer and S&T activities | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Exemption of sales tax for technology transfer and S&T activities | |
POLFIN | (POLIMP) Financial support (in form of direct funding) | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Financial support (in form of direct funding) | |
POLPROC | (POLIMP) Public procurement | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Public procurement | |
POLIPR | (POLIMP) Protection of intellectual property rights | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Protection of intellectual property rights | |
POLIND | (POLIMP) Industrial policy | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Industrial policy | |
POLTRADE | (POLIMP) Foreign trade policy | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Foreign trade policy | |
POLHR | (POLIMP) Policy that encourages your enterprise to promote and attract human resource | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Policy that encourages your enterprise to promote and attract human resource | |
POLPJT | (POLIMP) National and local S&T projects that were undertaken by your enterprise | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - National and local S&T projects that were undertaken by your enterprise | |
POLEFFE | Reason for no significant effect of government policies on the innovation activities in your enterprise (POLEFFE) | Reason for no significant effect of above government policies on the innovation activities in your enterprise | |
POLEAWA | (POLEFFE) Your enterprise was not aware of it | Reason for no significant effect of above government policies on the innovation activities in your enterprise - Your enterprise was not aware of it | |
POLEATT | (POLEFFE) The policy is not sufficiently attractive for your enterprise | Reason for no significant effect of above government policies on the innovation activities in your enterprise - The policy is not sufficiently attractive for your enterprise | |
POLEADM | (POLEFFE) The administrative procedures are too complicated | Reason for no significant effect of above government policies on the innovation activities in your enterprise - The administrative procedures are too complicated | |
STG | Implementation of technical strategies to promote the development of the enterprise (STG) | Implementation of technical strategies to promote the development of your enterprise in the coming years | |
STGLEAD | (STG) To maintain leading position as first-mover innovator in the sector/market | Implementation of technical strategies to promote the development of your enterprise in the coming years - To maintain the leading position as the first-mover innovator in your sector/market | |
STGCATI | (STG) To catch-up with or surpass leading innovative enterprises in the sector in international market | Implementation of technical strategies to promote the development of your enterprise in the coming years - To catch-up with or surpass the leading innovative enterprises in your sector in the international market | |
STGCATN | (STG) To catch-up with or surpass leading innovative enterprises in the sector in the domestic market | Implementation of technical strategies to promote the development of your enterprise in the coming years - To catch-up with or surpass the leading innovative enterprises in your sector in the domestic market | |
STGRD | (STG) To increase R&D expenditure and enhance innovation capacity | Implementation of technical strategies to promote the development of your enterprise in the coming years - To increase R&D expenditure and enhance innovation capacity | |
STGUNG | (STG) To keep status quo in terms of technical standard, production level and market performance | Implementation of technical strategies to promote the development of your enterprise in the coming years - To keep status quo in terms of technical standard, production level and market performance | |
ORO | Importance of objectives for organisational innovations (ORO) | Importance of objectives for organisational innovations | |
ORORED | (ORO) Reduce time to respond to customer or supplier needs | Importance of objectives for organisational innovations - Reduce time to respond to customer or supplier needs | |
OROABL | (ORO) Improve ability to develop new products or processes | Importance of objectives for organisational innovations - Improve ability to develop new products or processes | |
OROQUA | (ORO) Improve quality of your good or services | Importance of objectives for organisational innovations - Improve quality of your good or services | |
ORORCO | (ORO) Reduce costs per unit output | Importance of objectives for organisational innovations - Reduce costs per unit output | |
OROCIN | (ORO) Improve communication or information sharing within your enterprise or with other enterprises or institutions | Importance of objectives for organisational innovations innovations - Improve communication or information sharing within your enterprise or with other enterprises or institutions | |
MKTPDL | Marketing innovations - new methods for product placement or sales channels | Introduction of Marketing innovations - New methods for product placement or sales channels | |
MKTPRI | Marketing innovations - new methods of pricing goods or services | Introduction of Marketing innovations - New methods of pricing goods or services | |
OMKT | Importance of objectives for marketing innovations (OMKT) | Importance of objectives for marketing innovations | |
OMKTS | (OMKT) Increase or maintain market share | Importance of objectives for marketing innovations - Increase or maintain market share | |
OMKTCG | (OMKT) Introduce products to new customer groups | Importance of objectives for marketing innovations - Introduce products to new customer groups | |
OMKTGM | (OMKT) Introduce products to new geographic markets | Importance of objectives for marketing innovations - Introduce products to new geographic markets | |
INECO | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits (INECO) | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits | |
ECOMAT | (INECO) Reduced material use per unit of output | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Reduced material use per unit of output | |
ECOEN | (INECO) Reduced energy use per unit of output | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Reduced energy use per unit of output | |
ECOCO | (INECO) Reduced CO2 'footprint' (total CO2 production) by your enterprise | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Reduced CO2 'footprint' (total CO2 production) by your enterprise | |
ECOSUB | (INECO) Replaced materials with less polluting or hazardous substitutes | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Replaced materials with less polluting or hazardous substitutes | |
ECOPOL | (INECO) Reduced soil, water, noise, or air pollution | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Reduced soil, water, noise, or air pollution | |
ECOREC | (INECO) Recycled waste, water, or materials | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Recycled waste, water, or materials | |
ECOENU | (INECO) Reduced energy use | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Reduced energy use | |
ECOPOS | (INECO) Reduced air, water, soil or noise pollution | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Reduced air, water, soil or noise pollution | |
ECOREA | (INECO) Improved recycling of product after use | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Improved recycling of product after use | |
ENREG | (INECO) Existing environmental regulations or taxes on pollution | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Existing environmental regulations or taxes on pollution | |
ENREGF | (INECO) Environmental regulations or taxes expected to be introduced in the future | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Environmental regulations or taxes that you expect to be introduced in the future | |
ENGRA | (INECO) Availability of government grants, subsidies or other financial incentives for environmental innovation | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Availability of government grants, subsidies or other financial incentives for environmental innovation | |
ENDEM | (INECO) Current or expected market demand from customers for environmental innovations | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Current or expected market demand from your customers for environmental innovations | |
ENAGR | (INECO) Voluntary codes or agreements for environmental good practice within the sector | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Voluntary codes or agreements for environmental good practice within your sector | |
Total variable(s):
991 |