Country or Region | World |
Year | 1990 - 2014 |
Producer(s) | UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) |
Metadata |
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Created on
Feb 05, 2015
Last modified
Feb 16, 2015
UIS Catalogue of Innovation Surveys, World
Cases | 108 |
Variable(s) | 991 |
Name | Label | Question | |
ENVID | Existence of procedures in place to regularly identify and reduce enterprise's environmental impacts | Procedures in place to regularly identify and reduce your enterprise's environmental impacts | |
SINV | (SINFO) Investors (banks, venture capital funds) | Degree of importance of Other sources for innovation activities - Investors, e.g.: banks, venture capital funds, etc | |
OROSUP | (ORO) Improving the work relations with enterprise's suppliers | Importance of objectives for organisational innovations - Improving the work relations with the enterprise's suppliers | |
OROCOMM | (ORO) Improving communication and sharing of knowledge in the enterprise | Importance of objectives for organisational innovations - Improving communication and sharing of knowledge in your enterprise | |
OROCEX | (ORO) Improving communication with other enterprises and external institutions | Importance of objectives for organisational innovations - Improving communication with other enterprises and external institutions | |
OMKTNS | (OMKT) Penetrate into new market shares | Importance of objectives for marketing innovations - Penetrate into new market shares | |
ECOENS | (INECO) Replacing existing energy sources with energy sources with environmental benefits | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Replacing existing energy sources with energy sources with environmental benefits | |
ECOAIR | (INECO) Reducing air pollution by reducing emissions of smoke, gases, and other polluting materials | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Reducing air pollution by reducing the emissions of smoke, gases, and other polluting materials | |
ECOWST | (INECO) Reducing water and ground pollution by reducing the dumping of poisonous wastes into the environment | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Reducing water and ground pollution by reducing the dumping of poisonous wastes into the environment | |
ECOPOSA | (INECO) Reducing air pollution caused by the use of products | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Reduced air, water, soil or noise pollution - Reducing air pollution caused by the use of the products | |
ECOPOSG | (INECO) Reducing ground pollution caused by the use of products | - Reduced air, water, soil or noise pollution - Reducing ground pollution caused by the use of the products | |
ECOPOSN | (INECO) Reducing noise pollution caused by the use of products | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Reduced air, water, soil or noise pollution - Reducing noise pollution caused by the use of the products | |
INPDTX | Product innovations - number of product innovations implemented | Number of new or significant improved products introduced by the firm into the market | |
INPDTAV | Product innovations - number of years that it takes for the firm to introduce product innovations into the market | Number of years (months) that it takes for the firm to introduce into the market new or significant improved products | |
INPDTAVS | Product innovations - number of years that it takes for the firm to introduce product innovations into the market compared to competitors | Number of years (months) that it takes for the firm to introduce into the market new or significant improved products - Compare the speed with your competitors | |
INPCSAV | Process innovations - number of years that it takes for the firm to introduce product innovations into the market compared to competitors | Number of years (months) that it takes for the firm to introduce into the market new or significant improved process - Compare the speed with your competitors | |
INORGIND | Organisational innovations - first in the industry | Introduction of organisational innovation which were first in your industry | |
INORGW | Developer of organisational innovations | Developer of the organisational innovation | |
INMKTW | Developer of marketing innovations | Developer of the marketing innovation | |
INMKTIND | Marketing innovations - first in the industry | Introduction of marketing innovation which were first in your industry | |
SCEO | (SINFO) Informal networks among CEOs or CTOs | Degree of importance of Market sources for innovation activities - Informal networks among CEOs or CTOs | |
RMAEW | Importance for technological innovation of the main sources of the acquired knowledge and technology | Degree of importance for technological innovation of the main sources of the acquired knowledge and technology | |
RMAEL | Location of the main sources of the acquired knowledge and technology | Location of the main sources of the acquired knowledge and technology | |
COHL | (COL) - NPOS | Co-operation with NPOs - Location | |
OBJSTY | (OBJ) Style and design improvement | Objectives of innovation activity - Style and design improvement | |
OBJNEED | (OBJ) Reflection of consumers' needs | Objectives of innovation activity - Reflection of consumers' needs | |
OBJNTWD | (OBJ) Networking among departments | Objectives of innovation activity - Networking among departments | |
OBJKNWD | (OBJ) Sharing of knowledge/information among departments | Objectives of innovation activity - Sharing of knowledge/information among departments | |
OBJCUSR | (OBJ) Relationship with costumers | Objectives of innovation activity - Relationship with costumers | |
OBJROUT | (OBJ) Effectiveness of routine works | Objectives of innovation activity - Effectiveness of routine works | |
PROUM | (IPR) Utility model | Utility model | |
POLTAXR | (POLIMP) R&D tax reduction | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - R&D tax reduction | |
POLRDPGM | (POLIMP) Government R&D programme | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Government R&D programme | |
POLTSUP | (POLIMP) Public programme for technological support | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Public programme for technological support | |
POLINFO | (POLIMP) Technology information provision | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Technology information provision | |
POLTR | (POLIMP) Training programme | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Training programme | |
POLMKT | (POLIMP) Marketing support | Importance of the following government policies for your innovation activities - Marketing support | |
HPERF | (HFAC) There were no serious problems to perform technological innovation during | There were no serious problems to perform technological innovation | |
HACTION | (HFAC) Have plans, but no action | Have plans, but no action | |
HABPLAN | (HFAC) No plan for technological innovation | No plan for technological innovation | |
HCLI | (HFAC) Delay of the payments from clients | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Economic Factors - Delay of the payments from clients | |
HPFUN | (HFAC) Lack of public funds | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Economic Factors - Lack of public funds | |
HPROF | (HFAC) Decrease in net-profit and retained earning | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Economic Factors - Decrease in net-profit and retained earning | |
HDIVID | (HFAC) Increase in dividend for shareholders | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Economic Factors - Increase in dividend for shareholders | |
HMGT | (HFAC) Lack of R&D planning and management capability | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Internal Factors - Lack of R&D planning and management capability | |
HBUS | (HFAC) Lack of business services | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Internal Factors - Lack of business services | |
HRDDPT | (HFAC) Low organisational position of R&D department | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Internal Factors - Internal Factors - Low organisational position of R&D department | |
HCEO | (HFAC) Low desire for technological innovation by CEOs | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Internal Factors - Internal Factors - Low desire for technological innovation by CEOs | |
HEXCOM | (HFAC) Excessive competition | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Market factors - Excessive competition | |
RSYS | (RACE) Existence of system for development or acquisition of new products or processes | Existence of a system for development or acquisition of new products or processes | |
RCAST | (RACE) Technology forecasting to develop new products or processes engagement | Technology forecasting to develop new products or processes engagement | |
STEC | (SINFO) Purchase of technology | Sources of ideas and information for innovation - Purchase of technology | |
SJVENT | (SINFO) Joint venture with innovative companies | Sources of ideas and information for innovation - Joint venture with innovative companies | |
RTECIN | (RACE) Acquisition by the company of any new technology | Acquisition by your company of any new technology | |
RTECOUT | (RACE) Sale or transfer by the company of technologies out of the business | Sale or transfer by your company of technologies out of the business | |
HPAGR | (HFAC) Patents hard to get | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Patents hard to get | |
HTECO | (HFAC) Lack of technological opportunities | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Lack of technological opportunities | |
HTAX | (HFAC) Taxation | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Taxation | |
STKO | (SINFO) Acquisition of innovative firms (take-overs) | Sources of ideas and information for innovation - Acquisition of innovative firms (take-overs) | |
STECTAN | (SINFO) Purchase of tangible technology | Sources of ideas and information for innovation - Purchase of tangible technology | |
STECINTAN | (SINFO) Purchase of intangible technology | Sources of ideas and information for innovation - Purchase of intangible technology | |
SSKILL | (SINFO) Through developing human skills | Sources of ideas and information for innovation - Through developing human skills | |
SRECRUIT | (SINFO) Through recruiting human skills | Sources of ideas and information for innovation - Through recruiting human skills | |
SPIL | (SINFO) Development of pilot production | Sources of ideas and information for innovation - Development of pilot production | |
ESUB | (EFFE) Replace products being phased out | Degree of importance of Product oriented effects - Replace products being phased out | |
ESAFE | (EFFE) Improving working conditions - safety | Degree of importance of Process oriented effects - Improving working conditions / safety | |
RTKO | (RACE) Acquisition of innovative firms (take-overs) | ||
RTKOX | Acquisition of innovative firms (take-overs) expenditure | Acquisition of innovative firms (take-overs) engagement | |
RJVENT | (RACE) Joint ventures with innovative companies | Acquisition of innovative firms (take-overs) expenditure | |
RJVENTX | (RACE) Joint ventures with innovative companies expenditure | Joint ventures with innovative companies engagement | |
RSTECTANX | (RACE) Purchase of tangible technology expenditure | Purchase of tangible technology expenditure | |
RSTECINTANX | Purchase of intangible technology expenditure | Purchase of intangible technology expenditure | |
RCOFX | Co-operation with higher learning institution expenditure | Co-operation with higher learning institution expenditure | |
RCOGX | Co-operation with government research institution expenditure | Co-operation with government research institution expenditure | |
RRENG | (RACE) Imitation | Imitation engagement | |
RRENGX | Imitation expenditure | Imitation expenditure | |
RSKILL | (RACE) Development of human skills | Development of human skills engagement | |
RSKILLX | (RACE) Development of human skills expenditure | Development of human skills expenditure | |
RRECRUIT | (RACE) Recruitment of human skills | Recruitment of human skills engagement | |
RRECRUITX | Recruitment of human skills expenditure | Recruitment of human skills expenditure | |
RSCLIX | Consultation with users expenditure | Consultation with users expenditure | |
RSSUPX | Consultation with suppliers expenditure | Consultation with suppliers expenditure | |
RSCOMX | Monitoring competitors expenditure | Monitoring competitors expenditure | |
RSLICX | Patent information expenditure | Patent information expenditure | |
RSEXBX | Conferences, trade fairs, exhibitions expenditure | Conferences, trade fairs, exhibitions expenditure | |
RSPROX | Professional journals expenditure | Professional journals expenditure | |
RSPILX | Development of pilot production facilities expenditure | Development of pilot production facilities expenditure | |
INSIG | Most significant innovation during the financial period of (INSIG) | Most significant innovation | |
INSIGTYPE | (INSIG) Product or process innovation | Most significant innovation - Product or process innovation | |
INSIGCOS | (INSIG) Total cost | Most significant innovation - Total cost | |
INSIGCOM | (INSIG) Time length to commercialisation | Most significant innovation - Time length to commercialisation | |
INSIGPB | (INSIG) Pay back period | Most significant innovation - Pay back period | |
INRATE | Rate of innovation activities in the company (INRATE) | Rate of the innovation activities in your company | |
INRATEPDT | (INRATE) Getting new products to the market quickly | Rate of the innovation activities in your company - Getting new products to the market quickly | |
INRATERD | (INRATE) Making efficient use of R&D expenditure | Rate of the innovation activities in your company - Making efficient use of R&D expenditure | |
INRATETRAD | (INRATE) Coming up with breakthrough/radical technologies | Rate of the innovation activities in your company - Coming up with breakthrough/radical technologies | |
INRATETMAR | (INRATE) Bringing breakthrough technologies to the market | Rate of the innovation activities in your company - Bringing breakthrough technologies to the market | |
SSTD | (SINFO) Technical, industry or service standard | Degree of importance of Other sources for innovation activities - Technical, industry or service standard | |
EVAL | (EFFE) Increased value added | Degree of importance of Other effects - Increased value added | |
INASS | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with (INASS) | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with | |
Total variable(s):
991 |