Country or Region | World |
Year | 1990 - 2014 |
Producer(s) | UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) |
Metadata |
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Created on
Feb 05, 2015
Last modified
Feb 16, 2015
UIS Catalogue of Innovation Surveys, World
Cases | 108 |
Variable(s) | 991 |
Name | Label | Question | |
INASSCRE | (INASS) Creativity | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with - Creativity | |
INASSRIS | (INASS) Risks | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with - Risks | |
INASSPDT | (INASS) Products | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with - Products | |
INASSSV | (INASS) Services | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with - Services | |
INASSDES | (INASS) Design | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with - Design | |
INASSPCS | (INASS) Processes | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with - Processes | |
INASSRD | (INASS) R&D | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with - R&D | |
INASSTEC | (INASS) Technology | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with - Technology | |
INASSMST | (INASS) Mindset | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with - Mindset | |
INASSCLT | (INASS) Culture | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with - Culture | |
INASSBSM | (INASS) Business Model | It is believed that innovation is strongly associated with - Business Model | |
INBELKEY | (INASS) Innovation is a key priority for the organisation to be successful | It is believed that - Innovation is a key priority for my organisation to be successful | |
INBELKNW | (INASS) People in the organisation have knowledge and skills to innovate | I believe that - The people in my organisation have the knowledge and skills to innovate | |
INBELOPP | (INASS) People in my organisation are given opportunity to innovate | I believe that - The people in my organisation are given the opportunity to innovate | |
INBELCLT | (INASS) The organisation culture supports innovation | I believe that - My organisation culture supports innovation | |
INBELINN | (INASS) The organisation is very innovative | I believe that - My organisation is very innovative | |
INBELRD | (INASS) The organisation invests heavily in R&D | I believe that - My organisation invests heavily in R&D | |
INBELECF | (INASS) The organisation should intensify innovation efforts because of the current economic crisis | I believe that - My organisation should intensify innovation efforts because of the current economic crisis | |
DRIN | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation (DRIN) | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation | |
DRINCUS | (DRIN) Customers | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation - Customers | |
DRINCOM | (DRIN) Competitors | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation - Competitors | |
DRINECO | (DRIN) Current economic situation | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation - Current economic situation | |
DRINHUM | (DRIN) Human capital | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation - Human capital | |
DRINCLT | (DRIN) (Country) culture | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation - (Country) culture | |
DRINSUP | (DRIN) Suppliers/vendors | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation - Suppliers/Vendors | |
DRINPAR | (DRIN) Business partners | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation - Business partners | |
DRINTEC | (DRIN) Technology | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation - Technology | |
DRINGMT | (DRIN) Government policies/support | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation - Government policies/support | |
DRINFIN | (DRIN) Financing | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation - Financing | |
DRININFRA | (DRIN) Infrastructure (Broad band, transportation etc.) | The following elements are innovation drivers or inhibitors for your organisation - Infrastructure (Broad band, transportation etc.) | |
TURNSTA | % of company's revenue from sales from the company's location | Percentage of your company's revenue that came from sales from the following geographical market - State of you location | |
TURNCNT | % of company's revenue from sales from rest of Sri Lanka | Percentage of your company's revenue that came from sales from the following geographical market - Rest of Sri Lanka | |
TURNASIA | % of company's revenue from sales from Asian countries | Percentage of your company's revenue that came from sales from the following geographical market - Asian countries | |
TURNWRD | % of company's revenue from sales from all other countries | Percentage of your company's revenue that came from sales from the following geographical market - All other countries | |
TURNIMP | % of the current total turnover from products that were significantly improved | Percentage of the total turnover from - Products introduced that were significantly improved | |
RINMKT | (RACE) Preparation for marketing innovations | Preparation for marketing innovation engagement | |
RINMKTX | Preparation for marketing innovations expenditure | Preparation for marketing innovation expenditure | |
RINORG | (RACE) Preparation for organisational innovations | Preparation for organisational innovation engagement | |
RINORGX | Preparation for organisational innovations | Preparation for organisational innovation expenditure | |
POLESCOPE | Reasons for not using support from the government - Incentives offered do not cover companies activities | Reasons for the organisation not to use support assistance from the government - The incentives offered do not cover our companies activities | |
POLRATEI | Rate of the usefulness of government support for innovative activities | Rate of the usefulness of government support and assistance for your innovative activities | |
HFACIL | (HFAC) Lack of facilities | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Lack of facilities | |
PROI | Importance of methods to protect innovations developed by the company | Degree of importance of methods to protect innovations developed by your company | |
GMTENC | Ways to government further encourage innovation in the country | Ways to government further encourage innovation in (country) | |
ORGCOMP | Establishment's organisational structure close to international best practice | Establishment's organisational structure close to international best practice | |
OCINF | (OEFFE) Improved communication or information sharing | Degree of importance of Organisational innovation effects - Improved communication or information sharing | |
ONEW | (OEFFE) Increased ability to develop new products or processes | Degree of importance of Organisational innovation effects - Increased ability to develop new products or processes | |
OPER | (OEFFE) % of employees directly affected by the establishment organisational innovations | Percentage of employees directly affected by your establishment's organisational innovation | |
OOIN | Organisational innovations essential to the implementation of other types of innovations introduced by the establishment (OOIN) | Organisational innovations essential to the implementation of other types of innovations introduced by your establishment | |
OOINPDGD | (OOIN) Product innovation, new or improved good | Organisational innovations essential to the implementation of other types of innovations introduced by your establishment - Product innovation for a new or improved good | |
OOINPDSV | (OOIN) Product innovation, new or improved service | Organisational innovations essential to the implementation of other types of innovations introduced by your establishment - Product innovation for a new or improved service | |
OOINPCS | (OOIN) Process innovation | Organisational innovations essential to the implementation of other types of innovations introduced by your establishment - Process innovation | |
ORGAB | Reasons not to have introduced any organisational innovation (ORGAB) | Reasons not to have introduced any organisational innovation | |
ORGABPRIOR | (ORGAB) Organisational innovations were previously introduced and no need for further change | Reasons not to have introduced any organisational innovation - Organisational innovations were introduced before and no need for further change | |
ORGABRES | (ORGAB) Lack of funds or staff to implement organisational innovation | Reasons not to have introduced any organisational innovation - Lack of funds or staff to implement an organisational innovation | |
ORGABFLEX | (ORGAB) Resistance of staff or management to organisational change | Reasons not to have introduced any organisational innovation - Resistance of staff or management to organisational change | |
MEFFE | Effects of marketing innovations (MEFFE) | Perception of the effects of your establishment's marketing innovations | |
MSALE | (MEFFE) Sales growth of products | Perception of the effects of your establishment's marketing innovations - Sales growth for your goods and services | |
MVIS | (MEFFE) Increased visibility of products or business | Perception of the effects of your establishment's marketing innovations - Increased visibility of products or business | |
MREL | (MEFFE) Strengthened relationships with customers | Perception of the effects of your establishment's marketing innovations - Strengthened relationships with customers | |
MSAT | (MEFFE) Improved customers satisfaction | Perception of the effects of your establishment's marketing innovations - Improved customers satisfaction | |
MRA | Importance of market-related activities for innovation projects (MRA) | Importance of the following market-related activities for your establishment's innovation projects | |
MRALINK | (MRA) Maintaining close links between marketing department and departments or groups involved in developing or implementing innovations | Importance of the following market-related activities for your establishment's innovation projects - Maintaining close links between your marketing department and departments or groups involved in developing or implementing your innovations | |
MRACUS | (MRA) Systematic analysis of customer's needs by marketing division | Importance of the following market-related activities for your establishment's innovation projects - Systematic analysis of your customer's needs by your marketing division | |
MRAMTEC | (MRA) Systematic analysis of the effectiveness of your marketing techniques | Importance of the following market-related activities for your establishment's innovation projects - Systematic analysis of the effectiveness of your marketing techniques | |
MKTPDTI | Marketing innovations were an integral part of any the product innovations | Marketing innovations were an integral part of any of your establishment's product innovations | |
MKTPDTN | Marketing innovations were necessary for the successful introduction product innovations | Marketing innovations were necessary for the successful introduction of your establishment's product innovations | |
KM | Use of knowledge management practices (KM) | Use of the following knowledge management practices | |
KMPOL | (KM) A written knowledge management policy | Use of the following knowledge management practices - A written knowledge management policy | |
KMEMP | (KM) Incentives for employees to share knowledge within the enterprise | Use of the following knowledge management practices - Incentives for employees to share knowledge within your establishment | |
KMOUT | (KM) Dedicated resources to monitor and obtain knowledge from outside the enterprise | Use of the following knowledge management practices - Dedicated resources to monitor and obtain knowledge from outside your establishment | |
KMEXP | (KM) A policy to bring in external experts from universities, research institutes, or other establishments to participate in project teams, as needed | Use of the following knowledge management practices - A policy to bring in external experts from universities, research institutes, or other establishments to participate in project teams, as needed | |
KMDATA | (KM) Regular updates of internal databases or manuals of good work practices, lessons learned, or expert advice | Use of the following knowledge management practices - Regular updates of internal databases or manuals of good work practices, lessons learned, or expert advice | |
POLAWA | Awareness of government innovation policy or initiative | Awareness of government innovation policy or initiative | |
POLUSE | Use of government support or assistance to innovation activity | Use of government support or assistance to innovation activity | |
INSIGCLI | (INSIG) Main client | Most significant innovation - Main client | |
INSIGPJT | (INSIG) Status of the most significant innovation project developed | Status of the most significant innovation project developed | |
OBJIMP | Degree of importance of the objectives of innovation activity | Degree of importance of the objectives of innovation activity | |
ENGFOR | Formal devotion of engineering department to R&D applications | Formal devotion of an engineering department to R&D applications | |
ENGPER | Number of persons involved in engineering activities for R&D applications | Number of persons involved in engineering activities for R&D applications | |
PRODFOR | Formal devotion of technical department to documentation of production processes | Formal devotion of a technical department to the documentation of the production processes | |
PRODPER | Number of persons of technical department formally devoted to documentation of production processes | Number of persons of the technical department that is formally devoted to the documentation of the production processes | |
FREQACQ | Frequency with which the enterprise acquires technology for self-expansion or modernisation | Frequency with which the enterprise - Acquires technology for self-expansion or modernisation | |
FREQMAC | Frequency with which the enterprise buy machinery and/or equipment to expand/update production processes | Frequency with which the enterprise - Buy machinery and/or equipment to expand or update its production processes and make use of then without modifications | |
FREQDOC | Frequency with which the enterprise, when buying technology, assimilates it by documenting its relation to product, process, machinery or equipment | Frequency with which the enterprise - When buying technology, assimilates it by documenting its relation to the product, process, machinery or equipment | |
FREQEFF | Frequency with which the enterprise adapts or modifies the acquired technology to establish higher levels of production efficiency | Frequency with which the enterprise - Adapts or modifies the acquired technology (products and processes licences, machinery, and equipment) with the aim to establish higher levels of production efficiency | |
FREQTEC | Frequency with which the enterprise generates own technology for its exclusive use | Frequency with which the enterprise - Generates or develops own technology for the exclusive use of the enterprise or enterprise group | |
FREQSALE | Frequency with which the enterprise sells own technology to other enterprises | Frequency with which the enterprise - Sells own technology to other enterprises | |
FREQPA | Frequency with which the enterprise patents developed products or technologies | Frequency with which the enterprise - Patents the developed products or technologies | |
NEWFOR | Formal devotion of a department to the creation or improvement of products or processes | Formal devotion of a department to the creation or improvement of products or processes | |
FUTRACEX | Expected expenditure on activities for the development of products or processes innovations | Expected amount to be invested in activities for products or processes improvement or creation | |
FUTEMP | Number of employees that the enterprise expects to hire to deal with activities for the development of products or processes innovations | Number of employees that the enterprise expects to hire to deal with activities for products or processes improvement or creation | |
FUTRRDINX | Expected intramural (in-house) R&D expenditure in (t+1) | Expected intramural (in-house) R&D expenditure | |
RACEPDT | Engagement in innovation activities for product innovations | Engagement in innovation activities - for product innovations | |
RACEPCS | Engagement in innovation activities for process innovations | Engagement in innovation activities - for process innovations | |
RACEORG | Engagement in innovation activities for organisational innovations | Engagement in innovation activities - for organisational innovations | |
RACEMKT | Engagement in innovation activities for marketing innovations | Engagement in innovation activities - for marketing innovations | |
INORGF | Organisational innovations - new to the firm | Introduction of organisational innovations that were new to the firm | |
INORGI | Organisational innovations - new to the international market | Introduction of organisational innovations that were new to the international market | |
INMKTF | Marketing innovations - new to the firm | Introduction of marketing innovations that were new to the firm | |
Total variable(s):
991 |