Country or Region | World |
Year | 1990 - 2014 |
Producer(s) | UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) |
Metadata | Download the documentation |
Created on
Feb 05, 2015
Last modified
Feb 16, 2015
UIS Catalogue of Innovation Surveys, World
Cases | 108 |
Variable(s) | 991 |
Name | Label | Question | |
INMKTI | Marketing innovations - new to the international market | Introduction of organisational innovations that were new to the firm Introduction of organisational innovations that were new to the international market Introduction of marketing innovations that were new to the firm Introduction of marketing innovations that were new to the international market | |
COAIMEXP | (COAIM) Export | Aim of the co-operation - Export | |
QUAFOR | Existence of formal department of quality assurance | Existence of a formal department of quality assurance | |
QUAPER | Number of persons involved in activities of the formal department of quality assurance | Number of persons involved in the activities of the formal department of quality assurance | |
RQUAX | Quality assurance expenditure | Quality assurance expenditure | |
ENVFOR | Existence of formal department of environmental management | Existence of a formal department of environmental management | |
ENVPER | Number of persons involved in activities of the formal department of environmental management | Number of persons involved in the activities of the formal department of environmental management | |
RENVX | Environmental management expenditure | Environmental management expenditure | |
IPRIN | (IPR) Grant of a licence on any IPRs resulting from innovation | Grant of a licence on any intellectual property rights resulting from innovation | |
RLEAS | (RACE) Lease or rental of machinery, equipment or other capital goods | Lease or rental of machinery, equipment or other capital goods | |
STYPE | Type of information obtained from information sources (STYPE) | Type of information obtained from information sources | |
SPDT | (STYPE) Product-related | Type of information obtained from information sources - Product-related | |
SPCS | (STYPE) Process-related | Type of information obtained from information sources - Process-related | |
SMKT | (STYPE) Marketing-related | Type of information obtained from information sources - Marketing-related | |
SQUA | (STYPE) Quality-related | Type of information obtained from information sources - Quality-related | |
OBJINH | (OBJ) Deliberate in-house efforts | Objectives of innovation activity - Deliberate in-house efforts | |
MSHARE | (MEFFE) Increasing market share | Degree of importance of Marketing innovation effects - Increasing market share | |
MNEW | (MEFFE) Entering new markets | Degree of importance of Marketing innovation effects - Entering new markets | |
HTIME | (HFAC) Lack of time to engage in non-routine activities | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Lack of time to engage in non-routine activities | |
HLIM | (HFAC) Limited capacity due to adverse factors | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Limited capacity due to adverse factors | |
HOPP | (HFAC) No opportunity to innovate | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - No opportunity to innovate | |
OBJSALEN | (OBJ) Increase local sales | Objectives of innovation activity - Increase local sales | |
OBJSALEI | (OBJ) Start or increase sales abroad | Objectives of innovation activity - Start or increase sales abroad | |
OBJCOM | (OBJ) Respond to competitor's initiative | Objectives of innovation activity - Respond to a competitor's initiative | |
OBJIMA | (OBJ) Improve enterprise's view as innovative | Objectives of innovation activity - Improve enterprise's view as innovative | |
EEXP | (EFFE) Increase exports capacity | Degree of importance of Other effects - Increase exports capacity | |
EIMA | (EFFE) Improve public perception of enterprise's image | Degree of importance of Other effects - Improve public perception of the enterprise's image | |
EIMP | (EFFE) Imports substitutions | Degree of importance of Other effects - Imports substitutions | |
EECO | (EFFE) Improve economic efficiency | Degree of importance of Other effects - Improve economic efficiency | |
EINT | (EFFE) Improve enterprise's position in international market | Degree of importance of Other effects - Improve enterprise's position in international market | |
ESOCIAL | (EFFE) Social impact | Degree of importance of Other effects - Social impact | |
ECOIMA | (INECO) Improvement of enterprise's environmental image | Introduction of innovation with environmental benefits - Improvement of enterprise's environmental image | |
OSHARE | (OEFFE) Improved market share | Degree of importance of Organisational innovation effects - Improved market share | |
TURNTM | % of products protected by trademarks | Estimate the percentage of the enterprise's products that were protected by trademarks | |
EPROF | (EFFE) Increase in profits | Degree of importance - Other effects - Increase in profits | |
SIND | (SINFO) Indigenous knowledge | Importance of Other sources for your enterprise's innovation activities - Indigenous knowledge | |
OBJGCH | (OBJ) Global challenges | Degree of importance of Other effects - Global challenges | |
OBJSURV | (OBJ) Survival | Degree of importance of Other effects - Survival | |
HINPUT | (HFAC) Lack of information on inputs | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Lack of information on inputs | |
HFAIL | (HFAC) Failure on previous innovations | Degree of importance of Hampering factors - Other factors - Failure on previous innovations | |
PROLIC | (IPR) Ownership of licencing contract for product or process technology | Ownership of a licencing contract for product or process technology by the firm | |
PROLICY | (IPR) Year of acquisition of licence contract for product or process technology | Year of acquisition of the licence contract for product or process technology by the firm | |
LICW | (IPR) Origin of the oldest licence | Indication of the origin of the oldest licence | |
LICNEWW | (IPR) Way new or modified versions of licenced product or process will be developed | Way the firm will develop new or modified versions of the product or process for which it has the licence | |
SUBCON | Subcontracting for another firm | Subcontracting for another firm | |
OUTSOU | Outsourcing from another firm | Outsourcing from another firm | |
SK | Skills (SK) | Skills | |
SKGRA | (SK) Graphic arts, layout, advertising | Skills - Graphic arts / layout / advertising | |
SKDES | (SK) Design of objects or services | Skills - Design of objects or services | |
SKMUL | (SK) Multimedia (combining audio, graphics, text, still pictures, animation, video) | Skills - Multimedia (combining audio, graphics, text, still pictures, animation, video etc.) | |
SKWEB | (SK) Web design | Skills - Web design | |
SKSWD | (SK) Software development | Skills - Software development | |
SKMKR | (SK) Market research | Skills - Market research | |
SKENG | (SK) Engineering, applied sciences | Skills - Engineering / applied sciences | |
SKMAT | (SK) Mathematics, statistics, database management | Skills - Mathematics / statistics / database management | |
CR | Creativity (CR) | Creativity | |
CRBRAIN | (CR) Brainstorming sessions | Creativity - Brainstorming sessions | |
CRTEAM | (CR) Multidisciplinary or cross-functional work teams | Creativity - Multidisciplinary or cross-functional work teams | |
CRJOBR | (CR) Job rotation of staff to different departments or other parts of enterprise group | Creativity - Job rotation of staff to different departments or other parts of your enterprise group | |
CRFINC | (CR) Financial incentives for employees to develop new ideas | Creativity - Financial incentives for employees to develop new ideas | |
CRFREE | (CR) Non-financial incentives for employees to develop new ideas (free time, public recognition, more interesting work) | Creativity - Non-financial incentives for employees to develop new ideas, such as free time, public recognition, more interesting work, etc. | |
CRTR | (CR) Training employees on how to develop new ideas or creativity | Creativity - Training employees on how to develop new ideas or creativity | |
OWN | Ownership | Ownership | |
PRODFAC | Change in the number of production facilities | Change in the number of production facilities | |
PRODCAP | Change in installed/production capacity | Whether there has been a change in the installed/production capacity | |
HRTR | Number of employees trained | Number of employees trained | |
ORTR | Orientation of training | Orientation of training (average number/year) | |
FUNTR | Training funded (FUNTR) | Training funded | |
FUNTRIN | (FUNTR) Internal Sources | Training funded - Internal Sources | |
FUNTREX | (FUNTR) External Sources | Training funded - External Sources | |
SEXTE | (SINFO) Sources external to the enterprise | Sources of information - External sources - Sources external to your enterprise | |
HPMAR | (HFAC) market factors influencing (promoting/hampering) innovation | Degree of importance of factors influencing (promoting/hampering) innovation - Market factors | |
HPROB | (HFAC) To overcome problems entering new market | Degree of importance of factors influencing (promoting/hampering) innovation - Market factors - To overcome problems entering new market | |
HPROT | (HFAC) To overcome protection barrier for new product/process | Degree of importance of factors influencing (promoting/hampering) innovation - Market factors - To overcome protection barrier for new product/process | |
STAT | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry (STAT) | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry | |
STATRD | (STAT) R&D Activities | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry - R&D Activities | |
STATMAN | (STAT) Quality of Manpower Employed | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry - Quality of Manpower Employed | |
STATTEC | (STAT) Technology in-licensing | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry - Technology in-licensing | |
STATCO | (STAT) New collaborations | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry - New collaborations | |
STATFDI | (STAT) FDI | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry - FDI | |
STATMAT | (STAT) Sourcing of raw material and other inputs | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry - Sourcing of raw material and other inputs | |
STATMEN | (STAT) Efficient cost management | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry - Efficient cost management | |
STATMAC | (STAT) Quality of machine and equipment | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry - Quality of machine and equipment | |
STATORG | (STAT) Efficient organisational practices | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry - Efficient organisational practices | |
STATMKT | (STAT) Efficient marketing arrangement | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry - Efficient marketing arrangement | |
STATINF | (STAT) Better information management | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry - Better information management | |
STATBRA | (STAT) Successful brand development | Status of enterprises vis-à-vis others in the industry - Successful brand development | |
IPRX | (IPR) IPR expenditure | IPR expenditure | |
INVO | Origin of investment | Origin of investment | |
ROYIPR | Receipt of royalties and/or licence fees (ROYIPR) | Receipt of royalties and/or licence fees | |
ROYPA | (ROYIPR) Patents | Receipt of royalties and/or licence fees - Patents | |
ROYTM | (ROYIPR) Trademarks | Receipt of royalties and/or licence fees - Trademarks | |
ROYCP | (ROYIPR) Copyrights | Receipt of royalties and/or licence fees - Copyrights | |
ROYFR | (ROYIPR) Franchises | Receipt of royalties and/or licence fees - Franchises | |
PAYIPR | Payment of royalties and/or licence fees (PAYIPR) | Payment of royalties and/or licence fees | |
PAYPA | (PAYIPR) Patents | Payment of royalties and/or licence fees - Patents | |
PAYTM | (PAYIPR) Trademarks | Payment of royalties and/or licence fees - Trademarks | |
PAYCP | (PAYIPR) Copyrights | Payment for royalties and/or licence fees - Copyrights | |
PAYFR | (PAYIPR) Franchises | Payment of royalties and/or licence fees - Franchises | |
PAYOTH | (PAYIPR) Others | Payment of royalties and/or licence fees - Others | |
Total variable(s):
991 |