Country or Region | World |
Year | 1990 - 2014 |
Producer(s) | UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) |
Metadata | Download the documentation |
Created on
Feb 05, 2015
Last modified
Feb 16, 2015
UIS Catalogue of Innovation Surveys, World
Cases | 108 |
Variable(s) | 991 |
Name | Label | Question | |
HFACPANOV | (HFACPA) Difficult in presenting the novelty of innovations | Decision of not to apply for patents on any invention - Difficult in presenting the novelty of innovations | |
HFACPADIS | (HFACPA) Disclosure of important information of the enterprise through patent application | Decision of not to apply for patents on any invention - Disclosure of important information of your enterprise through patent application | |
HFACPACOS | (HFACPA) Too high costs of patent application | Decision of not to apply for patents on any invention - Too high costs of patent application | |
HFACPACOU | (HFACPA) Costs of protecting the enterprise's patent in courts | Decision of not to apply for patents on any invention - Costs of protecting your enterprise's patent in courts | |
HFACPADET | (HFACPA) Legitimate detour inventions by others | Decision of not to apply for patents on any invention - Legitimate detour inventions by others | |
HFACPAAPP | (HFACPA) Effective appropriation of invented technology by other methods than patents | Decision of not to apply for patents on any invention - Effective appropriation of invented technology by other methods than patents | |
PAINF | Time for other enterprises to accomplish alternative innovations without infringing patent | Time for other enterprises to accomplish alternative innovations without infringing patent | |
PAACC | Time for other enterprises to accomplish alternative innovations if the enterprise has not applied for patents | Time for other enterprises to accomplish alternative innovations if the enterprise has not applied for patents | |
SINFOVAL | (SINFO) Most valuable source of information for product and process innovations | Most valuable source of information for product and process innovations | |
HFACVAL | (HFAC) Most serious hampering factor for product and process innovations | Most serious hampering factor for product and process innovations | |
CONSPDT | Offer of products which were incorporated into buildings and other engineering works | Offer of products which were incorporated into buildings and other engineering works | |
CONSPCS | Offer of machinery, equipment or tools which were used during the process of constructing buildings and other engineering works | Offer of machinery, equipment or tools which were used during the process of constructing buildings and other engineering works | |
NATPDT | Use of products by natural resources industries | Use of products by natural resources industries | |
CLIFIR | (CLI) Other enterprises | Regular clients - Other enterprises | |
CLIDIS | (CLI) Distributors or wholesalers | Regular clients - Distributors or wholesalers | |
CLIRET | (CLI) Retail | Regular clients - Retail | |
CLICLI | (CLI) Individual consumers | Regular clients - Individual consumers | |
OBJREC | (OBJ) Recovered investment costs | Reached objectives of most significant and recent product innovation - Recovered investment costs | |
OBJLEADER | (OBJ) Became the market leader | Reached objectives of most significant and recent product innovation - Became the market leader | |
OBJDEM | (OBJ) Developed a strong demand for the product (t-2 to t) | Reached objectives of most significant and recent product innovation - Developed a strong demand for the product | |
OBJPROMO | (OBJ) Mounted a successful advertising/promotion campaign | Reached objectives of most significant and recent product innovation - Mounted a successful advertising/promotion campaign | |
TOBJ | Time needed to achieve objectives not reached (TOBJ) | Time needed to achieve objectives not reached | |
TOBJREC | (TOBJ) Recovered investment costs | Time needed to achieve objectives not reached - Recovered investment costs | |
TOBJSALEN | (TOBJ) Increased sales volume | Time needed to achieve objectives not reached - Increased sales volume | |
TOBJSHARE | (TOBJ) Increased market share in (Canada) | Time needed to achieve objectives not reached - Increased market share in (Canada) | |
TOBJSALEI | (TOBJ) Increased exports | Time needed to achieve objectives not reached - Increased exports | |
TOBJDEL | (TOBJ) Reduced delivery time | Time needed to achieve objectives not reached - Reduced delivery time | |
TOBJRED | (TOBJ) Reduced production costs | Time needed to achieve objectives not reached - Reduced production costs | |
TOBJLEADER | (TOBJ) Became the market leader | Time needed to achieve objectives not reached - Became the market leader | |
TOBJDEM | (TOBJ) Developing a strong demand for the product | Time needed to achieve objectives not reached - Developing a strong demand for the product | |
TOBJPROMO | (TOBJ) Mounting a successful advertising/promotion campaign | Time needed to achieve objectives not reached - Mounting a successful advertising/promotion campaign | |
STGPDT | Strategies used to commercialise the most significant and recent product innovation (STGPDT) | Strategies used to commercialise the most significant and recent product innovation | |
STGPDTMAR | (STGPDT) Develop a market niche | Strategies used to commercialise the most significant and recent product innovation - Develop a market niche | |
STGPDTWEB | (STGPDT) Develop a website to promote the product | Strategies used to commercialise the most significant and recent product innovation - Develop a website to promote the product | |
STGPDTFLEX | (STGPDT) Make the enterprise structure as flexible as possible to adapt to the market quickly | Strategies used to commercialise the most significant and recent product innovation - Make the enterprise structure as flexible as possible to adapt to the market quickly | |
STGPDTLBR | (STGPDT) Locate production based on labour costs | Strategies used to commercialise the most significant and recent product innovation - Locate production based on labour costs | |
STGPDTUNI | (STGPDT) Seek partnership with universities | Strategies used to commercialise the most significant and recent product innovation - Seek partnership with universities | |
STGPDTFIRM | (STGPDT) Seek partnership with other organisations or other enterprises | Strategies used to commercialise the most significant and recent product innovation - Seek partnership with other organisations or other enterprises | |
STGPDTSALE | (STGPDT) Increase sales capacity | Strategies used to commercialise the most significant and recent product innovation - Increase sales capacity | |
STGPDTENV | (STGPDT) Meet environmental requirements | Strategies used to commercialise the most significant and recent product innovation - Meet environmental requirements | |
PDTCOS | Estimation of the total development cost of the most significant and recent product innovation (PDTCOS) | Estimation of the total development cost of your most significant and recent product innovation | |
PDTCOSMAR | (PDTCOS) Costs associated with advertising, promotion and distribution | Estimation of the total development cost of your most significant and recent product innovation - costs associated with advertising, promotion and distribution | |
TURNPROF | Estimate of the % of total revenue that came from the most profitable product | Estimate of the percentage of total revenue that came from the most profitable product | |
FUNTGT | Reach of funding target for commercialisation of the most significant and recent product innovation | Reach of the funding target for the commercialisation of the most significant and recent product innovation | |
INSIGCLIDEV | (INSIG) Level of involvement of the customer in the development - For product development | Level of involvement of the customer in the development of the most significant and recent product innovation - For product development | |
INSIGCLIDIR | (INSIG) Level of involvement of the customer in the development - For participation on board of directors | Level of involvement of the customer in the development of the most significant and recent product innovation - For participation on board of directors | |
INSIGCLIFIN | (INSIG) Level of involvement of the customer in the development - For financing | Level of involvement of the customer in the development of the most significant and recent product innovation - For financing | |
INSIGCLIPROMO | (INSIG) Level of involvement of the customer in the development - For product promotion | Level of involvement of the customer in the development of the most significant and recent product innovation - For product promotion | |
IPRTT | (IPR) Transfer of IPRs to another organisation using a formal method for the most significant and recent product innovation | Transfer of intellectual property rights to another organisation using a formal method for the most significant and recent product innovation | |
IPRLIC | Number of IPRs licenced by the enterprise for the most significant and recent product innovation (IPRLIC) | Number of intellectual property rights licenced by the enterprise for the most significant and recent product innovation | |
IPRLICPA | (IPRLIC) Patent | Number of intellectual property rights licenced by the enterprise for the most significant and recent product innovation - Patent | |
IPRLICLIC | (IPRLIC) Licensing agreement | Number of intellectual property rights licenced by the enterprise for the most significant and recent product innovation - Licensing agreement | |
IPRLICTT | (IPRLIC) Technology transfer agreement | Number of intellectual property rights licenced by the enterprise for the most significant and recent product innovation - Technology transfer agreement | |
LICGR | (IPR) Number of licensing agreements for the most significant and recent product innovation | Number of intellectual property rights licenced by the enterprise for the most significant and recent product innovation - Licensing agreement | |
TTGR | (IPR) Number technology transfer agreements for the most significant and recent product innovation | Number of intellectual property rights licenced by the enterprise for the most significant and recent product innovation - Technology transfer agreement | |
SPIN | Enterprise created as a spin-off (SPIN) | Enterprise created as a spin-off | |
SPINUNI | (SPIN) University | Enterprise created as a spin-off - University | |
SPINFIR | (SPIN) Another enterprise | Enterprise created as a spin-off - Another enterprise | |
SPINGMT | (SPIN) Government agency/laboratory | Enterprise created as a spin-off - Government agency/laboratory | |
PCSEXP | Process innovations - total expenditure | Total expenditure on process innovations | |
PCSREQ | Process innovations - requirements (PCSREQ) | Requirement for process innovations | |
PCSREQMKT | (PCSREQ) Changes to marketing activities | Requirement for process innovations - Changes to marketing activities | |
PCSREQOP | (PCSREQ) Changes to operational activities | Requirement for process innovations - Changes to operational activities | |
PCSREQORG | (PCSREQ) Changes to organisational activities | Requirement for process innovations - Changes to organisational activities | |
ORGEMP | % of workers affected by organisational innovations | Percentage of workers affected by organisational innovations introduced | |
ORGREQ | Organisational innovations - requirements (ORGREQ) | Requirement for organisational innovations | |
ORGREQMKT | (ORGREQ) Changes to marketing activities | Requirement for organisational innovations - Changes to marketing activities | |
ORGREQOP | (ORGREQ) Changes to operational activities | Requirement for organisational innovations - Changes to operational activities | |
PDTLINE | Number of distinct product lines | Number of distinct product lines | |
PDTDIST | Number of distinct products | Number of distinct goods or services | |
PDTREQ | Product innovations - requirements (PDTREQ) | Requirement for product innovations | |
PDTREQMKT | (PDTREQ) Changes to marketing activities | Requirement for product innovations - Changes to marketing activities | |
PDTREQOP | (PDTREQ) Changes to operational activities | Requirement for product innovations - Changes to operational activities | |
PDTREQORG | (PDTREQ) Changes to organisational activities | Requirement for product innovations - Changes to organisational activities | |
PDTREQPCS | (PDTREQ) Introduction of new production processes | Requirement for product innovations - The introduction of new production processes | |
PDTEXP | Product innovations - total expenditure | Total expenditure on product innovations | |
INPDTY | Year of introduction of the most innovative product | Year of introduction of the most innovative product | |
MAINPDTSALE | The most innovative good or service and the highest selling good or service are the same | The most innovative good or service and the highest selling good or service are the same | |
MAINPDTLINE | The most innovative good or service and the highest selling good or service are in the same product line | The most innovative good or service and the highest selling good or service are in the same product line | |
PDTUN | Uniqueness of the most innovative product (PDTUN) | How unique the most innovative product is | |
PDTUNIRR | (PDTUN) It has unique innovative features and there are no or few substitutes | How unique the most innovative product is - It has unique innovative features and there are no or few substitutes | |
PDTUNSUB | (PDTUN) It has some unique innovative features but there are substitutes for this innovative product and/or its innovative features | How unique the most innovative product is - It has some unique innovative features but there are substitutes for this innovative good or service and/or its innovative features | |
PDTUNAV | (PDTUN) Similar innovative features and/or innovative products are widely available on the market | How unique the most innovative product is - Similar innovative features and/or innovative goods or services are widely available on the market | |
MKTPDTOLD | Marketing innovations - involving existing products | The introduction of the marketing innovations involved - Existing goods or services | |
MKTPDTNEW | Marketing innovations - involving new or significantly improved products | The introduction of the marketing innovations involved - New or significantly improved goods or services introduced | |
MKTX | Marketing innovations - total expenditures | Total expenditure on marketing innovations | |
POLVAL | Most critical government programme for innovation activities | Most critical government programme for innovation activities | |
OVERHFAC | Measures taken to overcome obstacles to innovation | Measures taken to overcome the obstacles to innovation | |
IPRINIMP | (IPR) Introduction/import of a patented innovation from outside Tanzania | Introduction/import of a patented innovation from outside (Tanzania) | |
INPDTLOC | Product innovations - location of the origin of the innovation | ||
INPCSLOC | Process innovations - location of the origin of the innovation | ||
Total variable(s):
991 |