Pays ou région | République Démocratique Populaire Lao |
Année | 2012 |
Producteur(s) | Research Institute for Educational Sciences - Government |
Métadonnées |
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Créé le
24 avr. 2015
Dernière modification
24 avr. 2015
The National Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes (ASLO) was administered in 2012 by the Research Institute for Educational Sciences to grade 3 (ISCED 1) students in public and private schools. The ASLO was administered for the first time in 2006 to grade 5 students. This first assessment was named ASLO I, and was conducted in public schools only. The assessment was administered for a second time in 2009, at the same grade but in public and private schools, and was named ASLO II. In 2012, the assessment was renamed ASLO III for its third administration, and the targeted grade changed to grade 3 students in public and private schools. The next administration is planned in 2017.
The ASLO III is a low-stake assessment. It is a written assessment, administered face-to-face and delivered through paper-pencil tests. Matrix sampling was used to design the test booklets that were administered to test-takers.
The ASLO III also comprises a test component that is administered to teachers, in addition to a background questionnaire.
The ASLO III serves the following purposes:
- designing individualised instructional plans
- supporting teachers (training, relevant materials, etc.)
- school or educator accountability
- sub-national level monitoring of learning outcomes
- monitoring education quality levels
- planning education policy reforms
Type de données
Random sampleUnités d'analyse
Results are reported at the school, sub-national and national levels. Data are disaggregated by sex, ethnic groups, geographic location (remote, urban and rural) and type of schools (public and private).Results are published in reports, which are available in print and online. Results are broadcasted on the radio and on television and published in the media.
The ASLO III comprises two subjects: Mathematics and Lao language. Each test has a duration of 60 minutes and is administered in the Lao language. The Mathematics test comprises four domains: Number, Operation, Geometry and data, and Measurement.
The Lao language test also comprises four domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
Description of test items: Test items consist of multiple choice questions with three or more response options and open-ended questions requiring short constructed responses.
Description of stimuli: Test stimuli consist of continuous, mixed and multiple texts.
Reporting metrics: Student performance is reported in three ways:
- A total score: the student's total score on each test is converted to a neutral common scale allowing to estimate differences between groups (the scale has mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100). Scores below 500 are below the national average and scores over 500 are above the national average.
- Proficiency levels: Six hierarchical proficiency levels are identified for each subject. Those levels provide a criterion referenced framework that is useful to link student's performance to possible intervention through curriculum development and teaching strategies.
The proficiency levels in Mathematics are:
Level 1: Student can read and write natural numbers from 1 to 10000; add and subtract two natural numbers from 1 to 10 000; multiply and divide multi-digits with one digit; identify geometric shapes in a 2 dimension plane.
Level 2: Student can identify and compare natural numbers from 1 to 10 000; perform additions and subtractions; find the result of multiplication with two digits and multi-digits; multiply numbers with 10, 100 and 1000, identify geometric shapes in space; recognize distance, mass and time unit measurement.
Level 3: Student can compare and order natural numbers from 1 to 10 000; determine symmetric lines and reflection shapes, identify parallel and perpendicular lines; convert distance, mass and time unit measurement.
Level 4: Student can write numbers from 1 to 10 000 in distribution form; identify the factors of a single digit number; divide using a two-digit divisor; divide numbers using 10, 100 and 1000 as divisors; identify acute, obtuse and right angles; tell the time on the clock.
Level 5: Student can represent a simple fraction based on a figure; solve daily life problems requiring use of multiplication and division; read the information from a simple table; solve daily life problems by using units of mass.
Level 6: Student can solve daily life computation problems requiring multi-step operations; identify and describe boxes and cubes (sizes, edges and surfaces); interpret data from simple graphs; solve daily life measurement problems requiring multi-step operations.
The proficiency levels in Lao language are:
Level 1: Student can remember a simple and short word and phrase; tell the name of close people; remember simple and short words, phrase and sentences from a story; spell simple and short words read aloud by the teacher.
Level 2: Student can interpret the meaning of the words from the listening exercise; use the right words at the appropriate time; interpret words and sentences from stories; create new vivid words.
Level 3: Student can use words and passages from the listening exercise, report their experience to others; create new vivid words and new meaningful sentences.
Level 4: Student can analyze words, sentences and passages from the listening exercise; express their opinion and ideas; analyze words, sentences and passages from the reading exercise; analyze and distribute words in the sentence (word order).
Level 5: Student can analyze the sentences from the listening exercise; speak at the appropriate time and to the appropriate people (tactful speaking); analyze sentences and passages from the reading exercise; analyze words and elaborate written responses.
Level 6: Student can analyze content of from the listening exercise; speak to persuade others or make requests; analyze important parts of speech from the reading exercises; analyze important parts of speech by demonstrating appropriate use of punctuation.
- Benchmarks levels: Two benchmark levels are defined. The first benchmark is based on a student's ability to use a set of reading and mathematics skills that are necessary to function in Laotian society later. A second benchmark is based on an estimation of a student's ability to cope with the Lao language and Mathematics tasks at the next stage of schooling (Grade 4 and above). The two benchmarks help identify three groups of students :
Group 1 - Pre-functional students: Students score below the first benchmark, and have not reached the basic skills levels required for everyday activities in Lao society.
Group 2 - Functional students: Students demonstrate the necessary skills to cope with daily life in Lao PDR. However, they need some remedial assistance to be able to cope with the literacy and Mathematics skills required to pursue studies after grade 3.
Group 3 - Independent students: Students who perform above the second benchmark are described as demonstrating the desirable skills to be able to learn independently at the next level of schooling, without remedial assistance.
In addition to the tests administered to the students, the ASLO III also comprises a component that targets teachers. This component also includes Mathematics and Lao language tests.
Couverture géographique
Students enrolled in grade 3 (ISCED 1) in public and private schools.Producteurs et sponsors
Investigateur principal
Nom | Affiliation |
Research Institute for Educational Sciences | Government |
Autre(s) producteur(s)
Nom | Affiliation | Rôle |
Research Institute for Educational Sciences | Government | Test development and administration; data processing and dissemination; programme development |
Ministry of Education | Government | Test development and administration; data processing and dissemination; programme development; financial support through ministerial budget |
The World Bank | N/A | Financial support |
Production des métadonnées
Métadonnées produites par
Nom | Abbréviation | Affiliation | Rôle |
Research Institute for Educational Sciences | RIES | Government | Data collection |
UNESCO Institute for Statistics | UIS | United Nations | Questionnaire design, metadata collection, review and publication |
Date de la production des métadonnées
2014ID du document DDI