Pays ou région | Namibie |
Année | 2013 |
Producteur(s) | Ministry of Education - Government |
Métadonnées |
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Créé le
15 mai 2015
Dernière modification
15 mai 2015
The Standardised Achievement Test (SAT) has been administered since 2009 by the Ministry of Education, Directorate of National Examinations and Assessments, to grade 5 and grade 7 (ISCED 1) students in public and private schools. Between 2009-2013 , each grade was assessed every two years. Grade 5 students were assessed in 2009, 2011 and 2013. Grade 7 students were assessed in 2010 and 2012. From 2014 onwards, both grades will be assessed every year. The SAT is a low-stake assessment. The participation of public schools in the assessment is compulsory, whereas private schools take part on a voluntary basis. Students with visual or hearing impairement do not take the assessment.
The SAT is a written assessment, administered face-to-face and delivered through paper-pencil tests. Test-takers are presented with booklets with multiple operational forms; therefore a test taker does not necessarily receive the same booklet as his peers. Test booklets include anchoring items. The SAT items are drawn from an item bank. The item bank is comprised of items that are periodically developed by teachers and piloted. Prior to each assessment administration, officers from the Ministry of Education compile the tests to be administered using items from the bank.
The SAT serves the following purposes:
- supporting teachers (training, relevant materials, etc.)
- sub-national level monitoring of learning outcomes
- monitoring education quality levels
- planning education policy reforms
Type de données
Census (all students at the given grades or ages)Unités d'analyse
Results are reported at the school, sub-national and national levels. Data are disaggregated by sex, geographic location (urban and rural), and type of schools (public and private).Results are published in reports, which are available in print. Results are broadcasted on television and published in the media.
The SAT comprises two subjects in grade 5, and three in grade 7. All subjects are administered in English. The subjects and the duration of each test are listed below:Grade 5:
- English as a second language, 90 minutes
- Mathematics, 90 minutes
The English test comprises two themes or content domains: Reading and Responding, which contributes 40% of the score; Grammar and Usage which contributes 60%.
The Mathematics test comprises four themes or content domains: Number Concepts which contributes 27% of the score; Computation which contributes 33%; Geometry, Measurements and Data Handling which contributes 18%; and Time and Money which contributes 22%.
Grade 7:
- English as a second language
- Mathematics
- Science
Information on the duration of the tests and the content domains is not available for grade 7.
Description of test items: Test items consist of multiple choice questions with three or more response options.
Description of stimuli: Test stimuli consist of mixed texts.
Reporting metrics: Student performance is reported by proficiency levels. The minimum requirement to meet the national standard is the basic achievement level.
Proficiency levels are defined as follows:
- Below Basic Achievement (BB): The learner demonstrates insufficient knowledge and skills across all themes in the syllabus.
- Basic Achievement (B): The learner demonstrates sufficient knowledge and limited skills across all themes in the syllabus.
- Above Basic Achievement (AB): The learner demonstrates proficient knowledge and skills across all themes in the syllabus.
- Excellent Achievement (E): The leaner demonstrates excellent knowledge and advanced skills across all themes in the syllabus.
Couverture géographique
Students enrolled in grade 5 and grade 7 (ISCED 1) in public and private schools.Producteurs et sponsors
Investigateur principal
Nom | Affiliation |
Ministry of Education | Government |
Autre(s) producteur(s)
Nom | Affiliation | Rôle |
Ministry of Education | Government | Test development and administration; data processing and dissemination; programme development; financial support through ministerial budget |
Production des métadonnées
Métadonnées produites par
Nom | Abbréviation | Affiliation | Rôle |
Ministry of Education | MOE | Government | Data collection |
UNESCO Institute for Statistics | UIS | United Nations | Questionnaire design, metadata collection, review and publication |
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